Ficus glandulifera photographed on Tampalagus Hill in SW Sabah.

Tampalagus Hill is an isolated  280 m hill about 10 km from the coast opposite Brunei Bay in SW Sabah.

There is a steep road up to the telecoms tower on the summit. As with many of the coastal hills in West Sabah the forest was cleared for swidden farming a long time ago and the soil is poor and degraded with a typical flora of Nepenthes, Accacia mangium  and secondary forest figs such as F. Fulva and in this case Ficus glandulifera which is locally common.

Photos and information provided by Shavez Cheema and Chun Xing WONG of 1Stop Borneo Wildlife.

Google Earth link to Map of Tampalgus Hill and  Telecom Tower